10 Uses of Air Compressor in Garden

I doubt, there is anyone who hasn’t noticed an air compressor at his nearest gas station or local garage. Apart from inflating vehicle tires, an air compressor is left with many other different and unconventional works too. But, I bet, you haven’t thought of using an air compressor in your home garden and agriculture farm even in your wildest dream. So, its time you fasten your seat belts to ride with me through 10 uses of air compressor in the garden. Sounds cool, right! So, let’s begin the journey to know the useful and creative application of air compressor in your garden.


What is an air compressor in reality?

In simple words, an air compressor is a machine that generates pressurized air and with mechanical force moves the air forward. This pressurized air is a great source of power and is implied in types of tool. The most commonly found air compressor type is the reciprocating piston air compressor and screw rotary air compressors.

The multitude of works that can an air compressor perform is as wide as you might imagine. From adding air to tires, blowing up balloons to using drills in construction sites, you will find rarely any area which doesn’t use an air compressor. The best cordless air compressor perform best for doing all handy air compressor chore, same goes with its application in garden and agriculture. Porter Cable Air Compressors are also very helpful in this case.

If you own a garden or agriculture farm and want a sustainable performance at a low-cost from your garden, an air compressor is a machine you need. It can be used for productive and profitable gardening.

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Moving grain and feed

In a garden and agricultural farm, grains are required to move to and from silos. The job is usually completed with a conveyor belt. Conveyor belts although don’t use air compressors, the application of compressed air works as an impactor fastening the job of collecting and moving of grains. Moreover, high compressed air is used to clean the grains and remove the bad ones.

Ventilation system

There are many gardens with glasshouse for rare species of plants and flowers. These plants and flower require a constant supply of fresh air in the glasshouse. So, the ventilation system urges great attention. Air compressor system is a good way to develop a well-maintained glasshouse ventilation system to supply fresh air to safeguard your rare species in the garden.

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Removing weed

Gardeners and farmers are unimaginably innovative and creative. They keep innovating newer application of air compressor in their gardens. Reportedly, Minnesota apricot farmer has found a great solution to remove weed through their experiment using an air compressor. The farm is applying ground apricots with high-density air pressure onto the weeds. And, guess what? These high pressurized airborne apricots are successfully killing and removing the weeds.

They have experimented with walnut shells and corn gluten meal with high pressure to spray them on the weeds. And each time, they have removed the weed with great success. This also ensures organic production in the garden. Despite being an under-development project, it has opened up different paths of using air compressor in the garden.

Maintaining vehicle tires

Many of the small and medium scale gardeners own them all-terrain vehicles along with regular cars and trucks. The all-terrain vehicle tires are known worldwide for their durability. Nonetheless, from time to time the tires require to be inflated with an accurate PSI level for maintenance and safety. Owning an air compressor, thus, will make your job much easier and faster to inflate all your vehicle tires to the correct PSI level. It will further ensure satisfactory performance from your cars, trucks, and all-terrain vehicle.

Inflating trailer tires

Gardeners owning dairy or livestock animals, also own a stock trailer. It helps them to send their livestock in the market for sale, bringing new animals in the dairy and to transport sick animals to veterinary doctors. However, the trailer tires require inflating to be ready to get into operations during any time of the day and night. Thus, an air compressor is of great use to inflate the stock trailer tires.

Operating pneumatic gun

I have seen many gardeners with a liking to build their own chicken coops, sheds, and outhouses near to their farm. These structures are possible to build quickly using a pneumatic nail gun. Pneumatic nail gun uses highly pressurized air to create an extra force to shot the nails onto the target.

Cleaning garden tools

Air compressor can also be used to clean gardening equipment such as mowers, wheelbarrows, ​professional chainsaw, spades, and rakes. But OSHA discourages using highly compressed air for cleaning skin and clothing to avoid any complications. However, there is no restriction of using an air compressor to clean gardening tools. You might use it the same way as you apply pressure washer for cleaning purposes.

Nevertheless, select a properly ventilated and open space to apply compressed air to clean equipment.  OSHA recommends wearing protective glass and clothing to avoid injuries. I have actually followed their guideline and cleaned stock trailers, vehicle tires and heavy to medium duty tools with an air compressor.


Dairy or livestock farming is often considered as one of the most laborious jobs in the farming industry. However, intelligent use of the air compressor would reduce your workload tremendously in the dairy farm. Modern milking machines are using air compressor technology to increase the power of the machines to make the milking process even faster.

Automated gates

Nowadays many dairy farms are using automated gates to control their herds of a cow. Instead of posting a man for each gate, these automated gates open up and shut down after a certain time to allow the herd to go out for gazing. These automated gates actually use air compressor technology. Moreover, air compressor technology can be used to separate cows and control them during vaccination and milking process too.


Many gardeners like to paint their fence, outhouse, shed, barn and garage to get a decorative look. Surely, this painting job can be done in an old and traditional way by using hand-brush and roller. But, if you are intelligent and value time, you can attach an air compressor with your spray gun to complete the painting job faster than your anticipation. It allows the paint to form a smooth coat over the surface providing an astonishing look.

Some more uses of air compressor in gardening

Apart from the above uses, there are some creative and useful applications of compressed air to blow your mind away

  • Air compressor is used in spraying purposes in most of the orchards.
  • In aquaculture, to allow better penetration of air into the water, air compressor technology is highly applied.
  • Recently, during the Farm Show, a machine seized everyone’s interest with its ability to clean septic systems using extremely compressed air.

In the modern-day world, where time is the most valuable asset, the use of air compressor in gardening is surely going to save a great chunk of your time. Moreover, it will reduce your workload. Thus, you might invest these extra time and energy to get better production from your garden and farm. You can rest assured that using an air compressor in your garden will do wonders. So, what you are thinking about? Go fast and grab an air compressor right now. Happy gardening.

10 Uses of Air Compressor in Garden
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Tina Martino

My passion is gardening. Along with my husband and children, each year we grow a garden large enough to provide our family of five with over half of our needed produce. Besides vegetables and a small berry patch, I also focus my attention on beautifying our home with strategically placed flowers, herbs, and flowering plants. Gardening is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life.

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