5 Species Of Bell Shaped Flowers

Flowers beds and pots need a variety of shapes and colors to make them stand out against your home. Bell shaped flowers have tubes and flared petal tips, creating a shape similar to a bell. However, you will find that this term covers a wide variety of flowers and blooms. If you are looking for new flowers to include in your garden beds, consider a few of these lovely choices. They are sure to stand out!


5 Types Of Bell Shaped Flowers

1. Bellflower


Source: pixabay.com

The first type of bell-shaped flower that you might select is called Bellflower, which name is based on the Latin word for bell – campana. Bellflowers are perennials, meaning they will return year after year. However, there are biennials and annuals available for purchase.

The most traditional colors of Bellflowers are blue, white, lavender, and pink. They typically grow to be between 6 inches and two feet tall. Some grow straight upright, and others form a mound. No matter the shape or color selected, all Bellflowers should be planted in an area with well-drained soil. You need to water them a few times a week.

One of the great reasons to grow Bellflowers is that there is a species available for almost every USDA hardiness zone! From Zone 1 to Zone 10b, you can grow Campanula Glomerata, a species that loves the shade. If you live in the warmer zones, 5b to 10b, you can also grow Campanula Lactiflora that requires more sunlight.

2. Foxglove


Source: maxpull-gdvuch3veo.netdna-ssl.com

Chances are you have noticed Foxglove flowers before. They have a longer tube shape when compared to Bellflowers. Foxgloves also grow on taller stalks with clumps of colorful flowers. You can purchase Foxglove flowers in a variety of colors ranging from purple to white and a wide variation of pinks.

Common Foxglove is a biennial, which is a flowering plant that takes two years to complete its lifecycle. It will enter a stage of dormancy throughout the colder months. Foxglove survives well in USDA hardiness zones 5a through 10b.

You should take consideration when planting these lovely flowers. They can reach four feet or taller! Foxglove must be planted in an area with partial or full shade. Avoid planting it in a sector with too much sunlight, or you will kill the plant. They need a deep watering once a week. Parents should avoid planting Foxglove in an area close to small children because they are poisonous if ingested.

3. Lily Of The Valley And Coral Bells


Source: dreamstime.com

Lily of the Valley, or Convallaria majalis, is a perennial flower with small and delicate bell-shaped flowers. They hang from thin stalks. Lily of the Valley stands out as a unique flower, with the blossoms dangling under the stalks, facing the ground. You primarily find these lovely flowers in white, but you can purchase pink varieties as well.


Source: flosium.ru

You can plant Lily of the Valley in partial shade. If you are looking for a similar flower that can grow in full sun, opt for Coral Bells, or Heuchera. They can survive with a lot of sunlight, so long as the overall weather isn’t too hot. Coral Bell Flowers grow in a larger variety of colors. They come in white, green, red and pink, but they are beloved for their leaves with multiple hues of color.

If you are stuck between the two and only want to grow one variety, consider your USDA hardiness zone. Lily of the Valley grows well in Zones 1 through 9b. Cora Bells only live in Zones 5b to 10b.

4. Fuchsia


Source: blogspot.com

If you are looking for a simple annual flower rather than a biennial or perennial, you can purchase Fuchsia flowers in most nurseries throughout the U.S. If you happen to live in Zones 10 and 11, Fuchsia flowers are an excellent choice because they will last through the winter.

These flowers are beautiful and eye-catching, blooming with multiple different colors. The shape is a bell with extra petals above the bell. Stamens hang from the bottom of the bell. They are a unique flower that attracts the attention of visitors.

Gardeners can opt for shrub Fuschias to use as a border along gardens or property lines. There are a variety of ways to plant Fuschias; they are a fantastic choice for containers! No matter where you plant them, they need full shape and soil that retains moisture. You need to make sure the soil is rich with nutrients.

5. Angel’s Trumpet


Source: flickr.com

Another choice for bell-shaped flowers is Angel’s Trumpet. They are pendulous, large sized flowers that come in multiple colors. They come in yellow, red, orange, pink, green, and white. Angel’s Trumpets hang down from a small sized tree that you could grow in a container.

Angel’s Trumpets are a fast growing and sun-loving plant. You don’t have to worry about leaving them in an area that receives a lot of sun, but they do appreciate afternoon shade if you live in a warmer climate. They do need well-drained soil. If you plant in a container, there needs to be a large hole in the bottom. Frequent watering and use of fertilizer are necessary because it does grow so vigorously.

One of the best reasons to plant Angel’s Trumpets is their fragrance! They spread their lovely scent throughout your outdoor space. However, the red variety has no smell! Be careful if you plant these in a yard with small children because they are poisonous. They do make an excellent choice for a plant that flowers all year round if you happen to live in Zones 10 or 11.


There are multiple varieties of bell-shaped flowers. If you are looking for a perennial that will continue to grow each year, Bellflowers are a fantastic, colorful choice. Foxglove flowers are a biennial with a unique shape and clusters of vibrant flowers. Lily of the Valley dangle under their stems in a delicate white color. Fuchsia flowers are a great choice for an annual that survives well in containers. Angel’s Trumpets grow on a small tree and are a fantastic option for those living in warmer climates. These are some of the best choices for gardeners!

Do you have a favorite bell-shaped flower in your garden? Let us know in the comments!

5 Species Of Bell Shaped Flowers
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Tina Martino

My passion is gardening. Along with my husband and children, each year we grow a garden large enough to provide our family of five with over half of our needed produce. Besides vegetables and a small berry patch, I also focus my attention on beautifying our home with strategically placed flowers, herbs, and flowering plants. Gardening is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life.

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