Best High Tech Gadgets for Cleaning Your Garden

You love raking in compliments about how amazing your garden looks. How about raking up the weeds and providing general maintenance for your garden? Not so much!

Sometimes, you wish there were automated devices to help you out. Aye! Good dreams come true, and there are awesome gardening gadgets to make your day, every day.

The following high-tech gadgets will help keep your garden sparkling:


Auto- Mower

Look, everyone, non-garden owners inclusive, know how stressful it can be to mow a lawn. Mere thinking about it can have you roll in bed in anguish, seeking for help. Well, you needn’t groan any longer; a robot lawn mower can help you perform this task- and very quickly too.

A good example of an automower that can totally transform your garden is the  Husqvarna Automower 315X, which also has an app through which you can create schedules, start/stop the mower and monitor its progress. Phenomenal!

As all of this can be done from your smartphone, I can totally imagine you in bed, making use of the very user-friendly programming options on the app to create a schedule for the day, pleased with the excellent performance you’re sure to see when you take a stroll in the garden. Best of all, you can sleep while your lawn is being mowed, as the operations are very quiet! If this isn’t bliss, I don’t know what it is.

There are lots of equally effective mowers such as the STIHL Battery Operated Mower which features an eco-mode wherein its blade automatically adapts motor power to the state of the grass while mowing: e.g. with single speed drive, the mower is self-propelled, making short work of steep lawns with about six different blade settings. This enables you to cut with immense precision and speed and is excellent for large gardens.  If in need of robotic vacuums, be sure to check RobotsInMyHome's review of the Roborock S5 for down-to-earth reviews.

Smart Sprinklers

Smart sprinklers are exactly that: very smart! With a very good one such as the Rachio Smart Sprinkler, which is connected to your phone the very best weather-based scheduling technology for sprinkling is provided.

With customized yard details as well as local weather data, you are able to detect how much water your yard needs and when you need to water it- dependent on sun exposure and type of vegetation. You can also readily install and replace components of the sprinkler; stress-free.

Garden Sensor

It is a common concern amongst garden owners: the knowledge of how the garden soil is faring, and whether the plants you would like to put into the soil will blossom at any given time.

You don’t have to worry anymore. With a garden sensor such as Edyn Garden Sensor which is a solar-powered probe that sends garden soil conditions to your phone with the aid of Wi-Fi (conditions like humidity, temperature, moisture, soil minerals and light), you can now know exactly how your garden fares, and what to plant in the soil given the weather conditions. With a sleek design of the sensor as well, you will be impressed!

Nano Farm

Need a tech gadget to assist in indoor, year-round gardening? With only a few presses of buttons, you have your NanoFarm set, and ready to go; inserting plant pads as desired without having to plant or water them (crazy amazing right?). You can grow whatever you want- herbs, lettuce, microgreens! Tell me that’s not cool?

Philips Hue Outdoor

Need some extra light to brighten your garden while light-cleaning in the evening? You absolutely need outdoor lights such as Philips Hue Outdoor lighting, to help add some color and light to your outdoor space.

With the assistance of the hue bridge wireless hub for connecting to your outdoor lights, you would be leading a super cool life out here!

Motion Sprinklers

Perhaps, animals keep entering your garden and trampling upon your flowers and produce. With a formidable yard enforcer such as the Orbit Yard Enforcer, you achieve the objective of barring dogs, deer, and other curious animals out of your garden.

How so? The yard enforcing motion sprinkler sprays these stray animals with water, continuously! Now, this sprinkler is motion activated, and squirts water over a 1,600 square foot area, lasting about 7,500 cycles on four AA alkaline batteries.

Beyond keeping your garden clean, this is one tech gadget that’d be fun to watch when an animal is close up and seeking entrance into your garden.

Shrub Shear

Need to trim your hedges and shrubs? Low back pain be damned; you are making use of a handheld shrub shear this time! With its lightweight design and a quality battery life that gives out over an hour of mechanical bliss at one charge, you can be sure this machine would trim those hedges and shrubs excellently.

Some manufacturers also produce high-tech trimmers that are highly comfortable with a longer length, dual knife-edge and laser-cut diamond ground blades for super smooth cutting. Running on two-speeds and blade-tip protecting, there is no damage done to walls and fences; so you needn’t be scared.

It also has a safety blade guard which helps prevent injuries, as well as a rotating rear handle that enables proper angular adjustment.

Tech Electric Weeder/Tiller/Cultivator

I love to weed,” said no one ever! Weeding is as tasking as it is boring, making it one of the most dreaded gardening chores.

However, there are tech tools to help out here too. Lightweight, cordless weeders/cultivators make weeding super easy, and these machines are fully rechargeable as they run on electricity. With comfortable grips, adjustable handles and tiller blades that don’t need to be sharpened; weed away!

Most people love the idea of owning a garden but are unable to nurture it properly. With these high tech gadgets, your garden will sparkle so much, it would appear as though you had the White House’s Gardener at your full service!

Best High Tech Gadgets for Cleaning Your Garden
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Tina Martino

My passion is gardening. Along with my husband and children, each year we grow a garden large enough to provide our family of five with over half of our needed produce. Besides vegetables and a small berry patch, I also focus my attention on beautifying our home with strategically placed flowers, herbs, and flowering plants. Gardening is more than just a hobby; it is a way of life.

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