How To Grow Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas are a beautiful plant. They can add color to any garden, producing large flower bulbs. With so many attractive options to choose from, there will be an option to suit anyone. Also, because the Hydrangea is so hardy, they can be grown in a range of locations. But how can you grow this plant to your garden? Let’s look at some of the things that you need to know.
Step One: Select The Right Hydrangea
The first thing that you’ll need to do is to select your Hydrangea. While this might sound simple, there are dozens of options to choose from. To find the right one for you, you’ll need to think about your garden. More specifically, consider the conditions. Do you have full sun or part shade? Which how hot does it get during the summer? How cold does it become during the winter? Once you know the answers to these questions, you’ll be able to look for the Hydrangea that will be best suited to your property.
Step Two: Pick The Right Place To Plant The Hydrangea
The next thing you’ll need to do is consider where you’re going to plant the Hydrangea. In most cases, the Hydrangea doesn’t like very hot conditions. Because of this, you might want to put them near a tree or fence. Ideally, they should be getting the morning sun and getting shade in the afternoons. If you plan on planting the Hydrangea is a pot, make sure that it has a diameter of at least 500 millimeters. This will ensure that there will plenty of space for the root system to develop.
It can also be a good idea to do an at-home pH test. This will tell you what colors the flowers will be. In some cases, you will find that, in alkaline soils, they tend to flower pink. However, when the soil is more acidic, they will produce blue flowers. To change the colors that you see, you will need to change the pH balance of the soil. Thankfully, some fertilizers will be able to help you do this. We’ll discuss the right fertilizer a little later.
Step Three: Choose The Right Time Of The Year To Plant
Lastly, you’ll need to pick the right time to plant the Hydrangea. It’s recommended that you plant during the spring months. It’s best to wait until the winter frosting has past and the temperature is starting to warm up again. This will help the plant root deeply in the soil, ensuring you’ll be able to enjoy floral blooms for many years to come.
Step Four: Enrich The Soil
When you’re ready to plant, you’ll need to first enrich the soil. The best way to do this is by adding fertilizer. This will infuse nutrients into the soil, which will help the plants grow strong roots. There are a few different fertilizer options to explore. First, you’ll need to consider where you’re going to be planting the Hydrangeas. Those that will be grown in pots will have different requirements to those that will be put in the garden. You’ll also need to think about whether it’s acidic or alkaline, as this might affect the color of the blooms that you’ll get.
With so many choices it’s common for gardeners to get confused and overwhelmed. Thankfully, this doesn’t have to be the case. You can use this helpful guide to fertilizers for Hydrangeas: It will talk you through the options and compare some of the most popular brands, so you’ll be able to find the right one for you.
Step Five: Plant The Hydrangea
Once you’ve done all the work of getting the soil ready, you’ll finally be able to plant the Hydrangea. To do this, dig a hole. You want it to be twice as wide as the root system of the container and at least as deep. Once the hole is ready, remove the plant from the container. Make sure to tease apart the root system. When you’re doing this, be gentle.
After you’ve untangled the roots, put the plant into the ground. Fill the hole back up with soil. When you’re done, pat the soil down gently. Be careful about compacting the dirt too much, as it will make it impossible for water to get to the roots of the plants.
Finally, finish off the planting process by adding mulch around the plant. This will provide even more nutrients to the soil. When doing this, form a donut around the Hydrangea. This will ensure that water will pool in the base, rather than getting blocked by the mulch. When you’re finished water the plant thoroughly.
Step Six: Take Care Of Your Hydrangeas
Hydrangeas will be able to provide beautiful flowers for many years to come if you take care of them properly. First, you’ll need to make sure that you give them a deep watering each week during the spring and summer. As the weather starts to cool, you won’t need to water them as often.
It’s also a good idea to add some new fertilizer at the start of each spring. This will ensure that they have plenty of nutrients to create their stunning floral blooms. If you want to transplant them, it’s best to do this during the winter months. Because they will be dormant, you won’t be disrupting the flowering cycle, so you should be able to enjoy some blooms over the summer.
You might also need to prune the plants occasionally. It’s best to do this during the winter months, so you don’t impact on blooming. It’s best to avoid any parts that have unopened blooms, as these will open during the warmer spring months.
Hydrangeas can be a great addition to any home. They will provide a strong pop of color, brightening your garden during the spring and summer. Also, they are very hardy and low-maintenance, making them easy to grow. So, use this guide to add their stunning floral blooms to your garden today.